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"Sapparod" Pineapple

Pineapples Land!

Did you know that Thailand is the larger producer and exporter of Pineapples in the world?





In Koh Chang, we are surrounded by bananas! They grow all over the island and we eat them nearly every day; row, dried, fried, as a refreshing ice-cold smoothy or as a tasty dessert. 


Kaeng Luk Kluay (a young banana curry), Khao Tom Mut (banana in steamed sticky rice), Kluay Buat Chi (bananas in coconut milk), Kluay Ping (grilled banana) and Kluay Tak (sun-dried banana).


Thailand has more than 50 banana varieties  Kluay Nam Wa or Pisang Awak (sweet, firm and with a bit of sticky, starchy texture when eaten), Kluay Leb Mue Nang or Lady’s Finger Banana (creamy consistency with a sweet flavour), Kluay Khai or Baby Banana (rich and sweet, with a honey-like taste), Kluay Hak Mook or Silver Bluggoe (sweet, with a fluffy texture).




Do You like Lychee? You should try Longan!

Longan was brought to Thailand from China in the 19th century. Chinese call it “the eye of dragon”. It reminds Lychee but is a bit sweeter 

 The berry contains a rich amount of Vitamin C that is equal to 80% of the daily requirement and we have planty of it in our garden!



An explosion of taste and color!

The skin of Rambutan is reddish and is totally covered with flexible green spines. It somewhat tastes like lychee that is sweet and juicy with a  milky white, translucent color along with a grape-like & glutinous surface surrounding the internal seed with an almond-like taste. It’s mildly chewy and sweet.


Bengal Currant

A fruit that has been used in Indian medicine for a long time.

Thai peoples call it "mamuang yawn manao boo". This berry has a sour and acidic flavor, but is sweet when fully ripe



Undeniable, the king of Thai fruits!

When the durian ripe in Koh Chang everyone drops what they’re doing to pay respect to this, the undeniable king of Thai fruits.



The Thais have a saying – “Mai phet, mai arroy” – “If it isn’t spicy, it isn’t tasty!”

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